Monday, May 10, 2010


Since me and Scott eloped and soon after he had to leave we didn't really get a honeymoon. This weekend he had off for the first time being out at 29 Palms for the Matt Slam Project. Since we now have a car I decided that I was going to go up there and suprise him. Little did I know that he was planning on coming down for the weekend to suprise me. All in all I got to spend time with my husband and i was so happy that I did.

On Friday we were talking about how the beach wasn't that far away and that Scott has never been to the beach so we decided to get into our Jeep and go. The drive was semi ridiculous because of the other drivers. We've learned that if you do not want to get into a crash in California you have to purposely be a bad driver. The way we had to manuvor through the highway was terrifying and I cannot tell you how many times we could have gotten into a crash because of the other driver.

We stopped on the way there to get gas and since our Jeep's AC needs recharged it gets pretty hot during the day so we went into the gas station and got Icee's while waiting in line we saw the novelty license plates with our names on them and had to get them just to add to the fun of our trip.

It seems like everytime me and Scott go on a roadtrip we get backward and have to back track for a few minutes. This was the first of a few times that happened and it happened in Riverside CA. We had to travel a little ways to get back to the right freeway, but its ok we are starting to get used it and have decided that we are going to sit down and map out where we are going to go so we don't have to figure it out on our way there.

Since this was Scotts first time on the beach he of course had to make a sand castle. This wasn't my first time at the beach I took the pictures. I told him that sometimes the waves come and wipe out the sand castle when you least expect it and so he got down and built some defenses and to my suprised when the first wave came they actually worked and he was able to perfect his sandcastle.

The Second wave on the other hand came up to the castle but didn't destroy it. That was the third wave and it started to crumble. So we went and played in the ocean some more. I've always loved the ocean and I was glad that I was able to show Scott the love for the ocean.

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